Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital was a day
long endeavor for interviewing veterans, and meeting some unexpected new
resources. With the help of two employees of the hospital, John Otten and
Helene King, we set out to go room to room with a list of names of possible
veterans to talk to. At the end of the day, we had two men with strong stories,
and I had met someone along the way with stories of World War II from a
concentration camp.
Frank Lebow, a doctor now residing in the nursing home, was
on the USS Missouri when the Japanese was signing their treaty of surrender. As
a teenager, Lebow enlisted in the Navy, and was put onto the ship after
training. Lebow also saw Pearl Harbor, meaning he had the experience of being
with the war from the beginning to the end, something not many can claim. On
the topic of being a Jewish soldier, he said he was not treated any
differently, everyone had one goal, and that was to get home at the end of the
day. Frank Lebow also had family in World War I and spoke highly of his parents
keep him on track during this time, encouraging reading and educating himself
during this time.
Mr. William Mazer |
Walking into William Mazer’s room, we found that the room
was empty, and a man hunt ensued for this man to share his story. Going to a
community activity to see if he was there, as we rounded a corner, he came out
of nowhere saying that he knew he was running late to find us and he had a
lunch in forty minutes that he had to be to, then starting laughing. Mazer told
us of how his family comes from Russia and he was moved to the United States
when he was around one year old. He joined the Army as a teenager and moved
from base to base during training. Eventually after 3 years in the states at
bases, Mazer was informed that he would be sent overseas, but when he reported,
they told him he couldn’t go. They had lost his records, he did not exist to
the Army, and was soon offered discharge, which he greatly took and reunited
with his wife.
After two interviews so full of information, I was mentally exhausted
and talking to my mother who was visiting my grandmother in the same building,
when a man approached us. His name is David Friedman, and I was immediately
taken back by the first thing he said to me, “out of everything bad comes
something good.” He knew who I was because of my mother talking about me to
fellow residents about what I was doing in the building that day, and told me I
needed to hear a story from the World War II era.
My mother eating lunch with my grandmother in the garden |
Friedman knew of a man named George, who was born on Pesach
(Passover), and on his 8th birthday the Germans came and brought him
to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. After spending years in this camp,
George knew that something big was happening, because the Germans had started
shooting just about everyone in the camp, but had run out of bullets with many
still alive in the camp. They soon combined the prisoners of war in the camp
and the Jewish people together, and were giving them bread. For the Germans to
be giving these men bread was something incredibly unexpected, but George was
so hungry that he was not going to question the motives of his captors. Before
he could eat the bread, two Russians who were prisoners of war beat him and
took his bread; George went to sleep hungry that night. The next morning,
George was the only one alive in his hut. The Germans had poisoned that hut’s
bread and the Germans in charge of that hut soon left after, knowing that the
liberation was near. Bergen-Belsen was liberated that Passover. George said
that it was מלאכים, the angels, and the Americans, saving this
day for him to be liberated.
I know Levindale
still has so many stories to tell and I plan on going back soon to try to help
this stories get preserved in the way these will be soon.
--Molli Cole